Summer Schedule begins in July

As we have done for the past few years we will be moving to one service on Sunday mornings, at 10 am. Our summer worship is a bit more relaxed. The choir, children’s chapel, and our hospitality team take a much-needed break, and we will have guest musicians and celebrants as Dietrich and Fr. Rob take vacation.

Our services will be livestreamed all summer, so even if you’re away, you can still connect and worship!

The Wednesday service will continue at 12:10

The office will be closed on Mondays during July and August. Joy will be in the office Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 to 4:30.

Children’s Chapel will be on summer break for the months of July and August. But fear not, worship will still take place every Sunday! And because it’s summer, worship will be at 10am. This break from Children’s Chapel and from two Sunday morning worship services will allow the entire congregation to worship together!

The Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Team has put together worship bags for the kids to enjoy during summer worship. The bags will be in a basket at the back pew by the Broadway doors (the same area where books and coloring sheets are available every week). Each bag will contain similar quiet activity items, but will not be exactly the same.

The type of items included are:

  • wipe clean activity books

  • origami

  • fidget toys

  • clipboards with paper/coloring sheets

  • markers

Please make sure to return the worship bag at the end of the service so it can be refilled for the next Sunday.

A reminder that although our programming slows down over the summer, the financial costs of running the parish remain. Vacations, weekends at the cottage, and all the excitement of summer mean that our attendance is much lower in July and August. Please make a point of continuing to contribute as you are able. If you are away, e-transfers can be made to You can also sign up for monthly pre-authorized donations, which take all the stress out of giving!


PWRDF Wild Ride


Disrupt, Heal, Lead 2024 Gathering