Worship Ministries
There are many ways for lay people to offer leadership in worship at All Saints. If you feel called to take on one of these ministries, please contact the office at office@allsaintswinnipeg.ca or 204-786-4765.
Sacristan and Servers: Along with the altar guild and ministry team, the sacristan and servers ensure that services run smoothly. The sacristan handles sacramental logistics while the servers assist during the service itself. The ministry of the servers is most evident during communion, where they assist the presider with the sacrament at the altar.
Communion Administrants: Congregants who administer the communion elements (bread and wine) to parishioners during the service based on a roster prepared by the Rector.
Readers: People who feel called to prepare and do readings during the service based on a roster prepared by the Rector.
Sidespeople: A rotating team who looks after the congregation before, during and after church services. The “frontline” with the congregation, their duties include welcoming, handing out Service Bulletins, taking the Offertory, taking the attendance tally, making newcomers feel at home, helping people with special needs and dealing with emergencies.
Altar Guild: This group maintains the ceremonial objects used in services, such as ceremonial hangings, linens, brass, vessels and flowers.