Caring Ministries

Pastoral Care

Embodies the elements of healing, sustaining, guiding and reconciling within the Christian context. Anyone experiencing personal need of a physical or spiritual nature can contact the Priest or dedicated lay leaders for support, guidance, healing or reconciliation.


Supports community and caring in our congregation by providing coffee and refreshments after church on Sundays and various forms of hospitality and food for church or community dinners and funerals.


Visiting Ministry

Cares for people in our parish who are not able to come to church, making visits and taking communion to homes, care homes and hospitals.

Calling Tree

Each week, each interested parishioner receives a call from their Calling Captain in the congregation. These weekly chats have been especially important to create connections and combat loneliness during the pandemic.

Card Ministry

Provides a personal reminder of caring to each member of the congregation through birthday, sympathy, support, Christmas and Easter cards.

Interested in Participating?

Anyone who would like to be involved in any of these Ministries is invited to call the Office at (204)786-4765 to be put in touch with the appropriate person.