Children, Youth, and Families
Children in Worship
We believe that children belong in our worship service and invite children of all ages to participate fully. We also recognize that not all children are willing or able to stay focused throughout the service. We have a selection of colouring kits and children’s books at the back of the pews that you are welcome to borrow during the service. If your children require it, please feel free to move around as necessary to keep them content. Children who have been baptized are welcome to receive communion or a blessing with their parents.
Please note that the family washroom has a change table and a potty.
Children’s Chapel Resumes on September 10
We are now requiring that all children participating be registered. Registration forms and an information pamphlet are available at the church, or you can download a fillable pdf. Completed forms can be given to a leader, a sidesperson, or left in the office door mailbox. For more information contact the office at 204-786-4765 or office@allsaintswinnipeg.ca
Kids decorate cookies and pumpkins at a Halloween Party
Children’s Chapel
During our 11 am worship service on most Sundays we offer Children’s Chapel for kids of all ages.
Children who wish to participate will follow the instructor to the Lady Chapel just before the first lesson. There they will hear one of the lessons for the day in an age-appropriate way and then explore and respond to the story through simple crafts or activities. The children will return to their families during the Passing of the Peace and participate in the Eucharist as a community.
Children of all ages are welcome. Contact Lauren Schoeck or Joy Peters for more information.
Children’s Chapel - What We Do
Excerpt from an article in the December 2022 issue of Saints Alive, written by Lauren Schoeck
Since September 11, 2022 a group of 2-8 children and 2-4 adults have been enjoying Children’s Chapel during the 11am service. It has been a joy to see the children blossom in their faith and friendships!
You might be wondering what exactly we do in Children’s Chapel…here is what we have been up to. Once in the chapel, we gather and light a candle (so we have a representation of the light of Christ just like big church). Then we read one of the lectionary appointed scriptures from the Whirl Story Bible (this means kids hear one of the same scriptures as big church).
Instead of a sermon, we have a discussion and response time. Response time allows the kids to move around, use play-dough, and draw. At times we have a set response activity we all do such as learning a song, making advent wreaths, creating tissue paper poppies, coloring a tiny book about saints, or even making a cardboard phone (to illustrate that prayer can be like talking to God on the phone).
Next we gather around the candle to offer our prayers (just like big church). The children are given an opportunity to name their own prayers too. We then extinguish the candle and watch the light of Christ become smoke that spreads to each of us, so we can take the light out into the world. Then we return to big church for the peace.
Our goal with Children’s Chapel is 3-fold. One, to give the kids a worship and educational experience that is geared to their age. Church can be hard on kids when parents are constantly asking them to whisper or stay still. Two, to teach kids the rhythms and patterns of big church. It's hard to engage and follow the service if you can't read the bulletin. Three, to allow big church to hear the scriptures, sermon, and prayers with less distractions from children. This is especially helpful for parents as it allows us to worship without constantly shifting our focus between our kids and listening.
Children’s Chapel is for kids 10 and under (older kids can help). If you have someone in your life in that age group, we’d love for them to join us!