Deadline for Fall Edition of Saints Alive

The deadline for the Fall Edition of Saints Alive is

Monday, September 16, 2024

Saints Alive is written for the people of All Saints, by the people of All Saints, so we need YOU to submit your very best (or at least pretty good) content for this edition.

Send it to to be included in our quarterly magazine, by the parish, for the parish! We accept anything that we can print – pictures, stories, poems, puzzles, quips, quotes, scholarly articles, and, of course, jokes.

Got something to advertise? We have a classifieds section!

Note: some restrictions exist for legal and logisitical reasons - read the fine print for full details.

Send submissions to, or drop them at the church office.

Some prompts for this month:

  • Your favourite school joke.

  • A recipe for your favourite pumpkin spice treat, thanksgiving dish, or how to use up all that zucchini.

  • A halloween memory.

  • Pictures from All Saints events, signs of fall, your bountiful garden harvest, or your back-to-school pictures.

  • A drawing, painting, or other visual artwork that you’re proud of, or that speaks to you.

  • A puzzle, riddle, or game.

  • A ranking of all the medieval cathedrals in Wales.

  • Your favourite fall activity or event in Winnipeg or Manitoba.

  • A movie, book, album, or podcast review or recommendation (it doesn’t have to be religious!)


All Saints’ Clean-up Day


Lost and Found