All Saints’ Clean-up Day

On Saturday, September 7 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm we would invite you to be part of a team of parishioners tidying up various parts of our property. 

We will be cleaning the parking lot, getting ready for lines to be painted for car parking, and we will be clearing out items that are non longer needed in the area below the Sacristy and, possibly, in the Crypt.  It would be great if you could join us!  Wear old clothes and bring work gloves it you have them, plus masks if you are concerned about dust or mold.  Extra gloves, masks and garbage bags be available.   Light refreshments will be served in the Board Room during the lunch hour. 

In case of rain, we will only do the work required inside the church. 

Please let Sandi (204 891-4046) or Joy at the office (204 786-4765) know if you can make it!


Update from the Companion Diocese Committee


Deadline for Fall Edition of Saints Alive