Emergency Appealfor theEpiscopal Dioceseof Jerusalem

The Diocese of Jerusalem oversees churches, hospitals, schools, clinics, rehabilitation centers, guesthouses, and retirement homes throughout Israel and Palestine, as well as in Jordan, , Lebanon, and Syria.

The Archbishops of Jerusalem and Canterbury, Hosam Naoum and Justin Welby, have issued a joint emergency appeal for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Read the appeal letter here.

The Archbishops ask for our prayers, our advocacy for peace in the area, and, if possible, for financial assistance.

The hospitals overseen by the Diocese of Jerusalem include the Ahli Hospital in the heart of Gaza City, which was struck by a deadly rocket blast. The PWRDF supports this hospital, and you can read more about it on their website.

Donations can be made through the Companions of Jerusalem, or through the PWRDF.


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