Black Anglicans of Canada Membership Drive

The mission of Black Anglicans in Canada is to increase the participation, representation, empowerment and belongingness of Black People in lay and ordained leadership roles in the full life of the Anglican Church of Canada, and to develop partnerships with Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) and other oppressed peoples.

Membership in this ministry is open to people of African descent (Black people), allies, churches, organizations and businesses who support the vision and mission of Black Anglicans of Canada. We believe our members are called to be inclusive, welcoming, and respectful of the dignity of every human being, as part of living out our faith in the world and our baptismal covenant.

Whether joining Black Anglicans of Canada for the first time or renewing your membership, please complete the online form at

More information about the Black Anglicans of Canada organization can be found on their website:


Emergency Appealfor theEpiscopal Dioceseof Jerusalem


News from the PWRDF