Contemplation Through Our Stained-Glass Windows

Mondays, November 1, 8 and 15 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm

We have all enjoyed quiet moments at the church looking at our beautiful windows. Nancy Phillips is offering to take us more deeply into contemplative ways of praying using the art on our windows as a focal point to learn the ancient practise of “visio divina” (literally, divine looking).  The three sessions will take place on Zoom using images of selected windows.

As Nancy reflects: “When we practice contemplative ways of praying and living, we slow down, which allows us to really see and hear God at work.  We become more present to each moment and discover the luminosity of everyday life. We cultivate the ability to be present to the tides of transition in life and respond from a more calm and centred place.”

We thank Nancy for generously donating her time to enrich our spiritual lives.  Please let Joy (204 786-4765 or know if you would like to participate. 


"Being God's Church: Going Forward Together!"


Six-week Lenten Study Group: Being Disciples