"Being God's Church: Going Forward Together!"

Mondays from January 24 to February 21 at 7:30 pm - online

Jesus said, "You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last." (John 15:16)

All Saints is a congregation of committed people who care about who we are and what we do.  We’ve embraced some opportunities and we’ve struggled with some challenges over the last decade.  Along with the rest of the Church (and the world) we have been, and continue to be, shaken to our foundations by nearly two years of living in a global pandemic. And yet, God continues to lead and guide us – sometimes in new and subtle ways – but always with much grace.  In a period when we have had to suspend a lot of our experience of “church”, now is an ideal time to refocus on who God is calling us to be and how to embrace it together.

This 5 session course is designed to help us immerse ourselves in these realities and open ourselves to what the Spirit can do in and through us.  It will take place via Zoom and therefore enrolment will be limited to 24 persons.  Each session will be 90 minutes.

We will begin on Monday January 24 at 7:30 pm and meet for a total of 5 Monday evenings ending on February 21.  There is no cost and participants will receive one or more articles to read each week in advance of our meeting together. 

Session Topics:

  1. Our present situation: 21st century Church in the West; 2 years of global pandemic

  2. How should we respond to our context?

  3. What is “Church” (& therefore, our church) supposed to be?  Where does it fit in God’s plan?

  4. The reasons our worship and liturgy is so important.

  5. Welcoming the newcomer: not absorption but amalgamation.

To register or to ask questions about this course, please email Bishop Don Phillips at don@allsaintswinnipeg.ca.


Current COVID protocols for services are as follows:


Contemplation Through Our Stained-Glass Windows