Sermon for October 8, 2023 - Harvest Thanksgiving
Sermon by The Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Woodcroft, Bishop of Rupert’s Land
I bid you greetings in the Holy and Undivided Trinity, One God. To worship with you, to participate in confirmation, and rejoice in Thanksgiving with you - dwelling in God’s awesome presence - is just pure joy. Like the Saints before us, we are groomed to offer thanks with unceasing praise.
The time of the harvest is upon us, and you have called the ministerial of the Church to offer ceremony, and bring sacraments to mark the occasion. Duly prepared candidates are here presented in worship; their priest and sponsors, however, anxiously ask themselves, “Did I do ALL in my power to support this person in their life in Jesus?” And, this is the question with which you and I must answer today “Will WE continue to do ALL in our power to support these disciples in their life in Christ?” Should any gathering of disciples be unable to answer this question affirmatively, we are in serious trouble as a Christian Church. Our promises in Baptism, which we are confirming today, belong to God through one another, these sacred obligations are exposed publicly, open to scrutiny and criticism. We choose Jesus’ path because we know it to be true – we live interdependently with this good earth and its inhabitants, no matter how dependant we desire to be.
Matthew illustrates for us today a most perplexing and uncomfortable scenario, at least that is how I read the narrative of the 10 Lepers in today’s context. 10 lepers call from a distance - WHY? Are they aware that people see them as filthy, unwanted, worthless horrible? Are the 10, in spite of what others think of them, a community of intelligent, resourceful and courageous folk?
Perhaps the community knows enough to not only capture Jesus attention, but stimulate the actions of generous healing by Jesus’ command. 10 are told to go show themselves to a priest - WHY? Jesus knows that the very leaders who could generously liberate people and declare them clean, are also they who live with selfish behaviour, and might not allow a known leper anywhere near. One, a Samaritan after discovering he is made well, returns to Jesus giving thanks - WHY? Answering this WHY, is our place and obligation today.
Returning to Jesus seems sort-of one-way, like it is just between Jesus and me; but I argue that the one leper who returned, did so because he could not walk alone, and he could not walk in a vacuum of identity. The gift of life, the stunning magnitude of the gift of life, should imply to all humans a power and presence greater than self. It is through human interactions that we are often made-aware of our healing, understanding and courage. A sunset, a warning at work, a child’s innocent question, a falling-out with a friend, and the first bird we hear each day jar our perception of realities from self to the communal; we are continually seeking out a place, a time, a tribe with which to be. Jesus presents the most interesting of all of that, and that is the perfect presence of God, selflessly, radically, even recklessly pouring out life so others have enough. For one leper, the most natural of human equations was to return with thanksgiving, risking his new found health to offer thanks – and what does Jesus tell him ...?
“Go, your faith has made you well” The MAN must choose an identity one imposed by a society “once a leper, always a leper, even if One is an ex-leper, or an identity continually woven by God, perfectly made in the image of God, fully gifted with life and healing, fully capable of loving and being loved.
The MAN has yet another choice, and that is to honour the community from which he has come. Although he alone returns to give thanks, he will return also to his community, all made well by Jesus. He will witness to the faith that has made all well. He goes as per Jesus direction, yet he goes transformed, courageous and faithful to the ONLY community that he knows, and the only community that will accept him unconditionally.
A Jesus shaped Church makes promises that look like Jesus, sound like Jesus, and act like Jesus. It makes promises that no one person could keep alone, yet each member must commits to do all they might for the other disciples. A Jesus shaped Church understands that sowing a great volume of seed implies preparing to harvest more than any of us could ask or imagine; which is the very impetuous to ASK AND IMAGINE.
Do you IMAGINE that God answers our requests? Can you IMAGINE that Jesus’ description of the kingdom of God close-at-hand and deeply within, is an image the world now craves to embrace. Do we ASK AND IMAGINE of God that through our selflessness God’s endeavour comes to fruition?
Paul addresses this for us today:
The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
As it is written, "He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever."
He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us;
for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.
Through the testing of this ministry you glorify God by your obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing with them and with all others,
while they long for you and pray for you because of the surpassing grace of God that he has given you.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
You have now read this twice with me: have we lived this, believed this, and found it to be true? One sure way to discover the answer to this to start talking about it with one another, a practice the early Church described as fellowship.
A Jesus Shaped Church is the incarnation of God for the world; its mind is Jesus, it is singular yet all inclusive, it is God’s mind in the song of all creation. A Jesus shaped Church celebrates God’s gift of life in all of creation with neither prejudice nor greedy; it embraces and calls the whole of creation to choose to be ONE. There is One Body and One Spirit, there is one hope in God’s call to us. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God creator of us all.
We are present in this room today choosing self-sacrifice, to do ALL in our power to support disciples in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, literally pouring abundance in our care upon God’s world. Through self-sacrifice:
we do ALL in our power to ensure the success of these candidates,
who facilitate healing among all people,
speak truth in a realm of false-hoods,
proclaim the kingdom close at hand,
do justice,
love kindness,
walk humbly with God,
and have confidence, trust and faith in Jesus and his Body, that together we might bring about the kingdom of God with abundance.
Candidates, you shall bring healing, freedom, sustenance and deep relationship to those you encounter; at school, work, gaming, sports, relaxing and intentionally ministering - you are the Body of Christ, you are God’s gift, and God’s call. This world, this time, even this Church is broken and tired; God continually provides all things necessary for all of Creation - to have enough. You are stewards of God’s abundance and mercy, an absolutely awesome and terrifying job in our time and place – but you know this already, and you see how God is working-out in you what the world needs in order to be healthy.
I will do all in my power to support you in your life in Christ. So, you better call me…