Wilmot Book Club and Lecture

Wilmot Book Club - "The Disabled God Revisted: Trinity, Christology, and Liberation" by Dr. Lisa Powell.

Fridays in September 2-3:30 on ZOOM.

In preparation of the Wilmot Lecture in October, Dr. Ryan Turnbull with Dr. Dan Rempel, a former Wilmot Lecturer who works in the area of Disability Theology, will work through Dr. Lisa Powell's book "The Disabled God Revisted: Trinity, Christology, and Liberation" on which her Wilmot Lecture will be based. There are a dozen books that will be available at the Anglican-Lutheran Centre for the special deal of $20 a copy. The book can also be purchased at CommonWord at CMU or wherever books are sold. To register visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pfuCtqDgtHtbyPSkswWZL8Ol0mfS2OunF

Wilmot Lecture: October 7th, at St. John’s College. Lecture by Dr. Lisa Powell “How can God be disabled? A Trinitarian Response” More details coming. Please join the book club as we prepare together.


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