Stewardship Campaign Concludes this week

This Sunday, November 20th, we mark the end of the liturgical year, which begins anew on November 27th - the first Sunday of Advent. Sometimes referred to as Gathering-In Sunday, and as in Biblical times, all Time, Talent, and Treasure pledges received to November 20th, will be offered and Blessed, marking the end of our Stewardship Campaign.

During our 11 am Worship Service on November 20th, parishioners are invited to bring their pledges of Time, Talent and Treasure forward to be placed on the altar and receive a special blessing before God.

If you sent your pledge card by mail, it will be placed on the altar for you. If you don’t want to bring your card forward, you may place it in the offering plate, or ask a sidesperson to place it on the altar.

All pledges will be kept strictly confidential.

We are grateful for all gifts that are shared in our Faith Community through your Time, Talent and Treasure. Below we have attempted to list the many different areas where our people serve – do you have a skill or passion which could enrich our Community?

The Gift of Time

The life of our Parish is formed by everyone. Read on to see how you can find your place to enrich your spiritual life and the life of All Saints. You can become involved in any of the following areas of service:

  • Altar Guild

  • Childrens’ Chapel

  • Decoration

  • Gardening

  • Hospitality

  • Outreach

  • Servers/Administrants

  • Sidespeople

  • Visitations

  • Volunteer Drivers

The Gift of Talent

All Saints Church also needs the help of those with specific background knowledge or experience and a love of sharing those talents. Read on to see how your talent can help our parish in the following areas:

  • Administrative support

  • Choir and music ministry

  • Communications

  • Counting Team

  • Finance

  • Property Maintenance

  • Medical/First Aid Training

The Gift of Treasure

We are blessed by God in many ways and we give thanks through the sharing of our treasure as each of us is able. There are many avenues available to support All Saints. Read on to see the different options:

  • Cash/Coin

  • Cheques

  • Estate Planning

  • E-transfer

  • Gift of Life Insurance policy

  • Gift of corporate shares

  • Pre-authorized withdrawal

Please contact: or the office at 204 786 4765


Flowers for Christmas Services


Deadline for Christmas Edition of Saints Alive