Now accepting submissions for Saints Alive

The deadline for submissions for the next issue of Saints Alive is September 19. The theme will be Back to School/Thanksgiving. We accept submissions of all kinds! Photos, stories, essays, jokes - anything you want to share with the community.

Send submissions to, or drop off printed submissions in the church office.

The fine print:

  • Submissions must be your own work, in the public domain, or you must obtain permission to publish them from the copyright holder.

  • Written submissions should be less than 1000 words, under most circumstances. (There’s no minimum length)

  • Longer submissions will be posted online only.

  • The submitter must take reasonable effort to ensure the submission is in a usable form and needs minimal effort to copy into our format.

  • Submissions must not be hurtful, inflammatory, or derogatory, and must not contravene the beliefs of our church.

  • Submissions cannot be anonymous.

  • Submissions may be fact-checked and edited for typos or punctuation.

    • Significant changes will be returned to the author for review prior to publishing.


Altar Guild: Call for Volunteers


Pivniak Family on cover of Free Press