News from the Outreach Team - May

Your Outreach Team is pleased to pass on some rewarding information around efforts in our community by volunteers from All Saints Church. Sandra+ writes about her experience in the library:

Usually on Tuesday afternoons I work with new language learners: start with a game, follow with an exercise, and wrap up with colouring (cause I find it relaxing). In the meantime, I pretty much have the library books in their necessary order. On Thursday afternoons, I have a couple of groups, but at 2pm, I shift to conversational English with adults. On the day I wrote this I spent the day getting the new books that I’d ordered for the school prepared to be put into the collection! And I hope that they will be ready soon! (Now I know why I don’t do regular hours!) I would like to be doing book-talks, book exchanges, and gathering resources for the classroom program but the pressing need seems to be in welcoming newcomers.

God bless, Sandi T+

Mulvey School has 350 students in grades 1 through 6 and provides before/after school daycare. The school also provides breakfast daily for over 250 students and lunch daily for over 70. The budget for Mulvey Schools program is $75,000 much of which is generated by fundraising. There are a number of volunteer opportunities at Mulvey School which is within our parish for people who have the time and interest to give of their talent. Just 3 hours a week volunteer support can make a positive impact for the students. If you would like more information around support in the fall of 2024 please contact anyone on the Outreach Team. Thanks.


Pictures at an Exhibition – Michael McKay


Deadline for Summer Edition of Saints Alive