All Saints wins Heritage Winnipeg Award

On March 23, All Saints Church and the University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation 2.0 were presented with the Heritage Winnipeg Preservation Award for Excellence.

The text on the award reads:

in a joint venture, for the All Saints Anglican Church annex project, at 521 Broadway, and the West Broadway Commons, located at 167 Colony Street. For having the vision and ambition to undertake the renovations to the church annex, providing for better community access. In addition for the new adjacent residential tower to financially sustain the historic 1926 Church, and the commitment to provide mixed affordable housing and amenities to the West Broadway community.

 You can read more about the award on the Heritage Winnipeg website.

Jocelyn Bartel, People’s Warden for All Saints, and David Wilson, board member for WBC, accept the award from Greg Agnew, board president for Heritage Winnipeg.


Holy Week Services


Growing in Wisdom: Seeking Deeper Generativity