Deadline for Fall Edition of Saints Alive

The deadline for the Summer Edition of Saints Alive is

Monday, September 18, 2023

This month’s issue is all about Changes - back to school, changing seasons. Growing, learning, healing; change can be good, even if it’s painful sometimes. Do you have a story, a picture, a recipe, a joke you’d be willing to share? We’d love to print it!

We accept anything that can be printed (although some restrictions exist for legal and logisitical reasons - read the fine print for full details.)

Saints Alive is by the people of All Saints, for the people of All Saints.

Send submissions to, or drop them at the church office.

Some prompts for this month:

  • A favourite Thanksgiving recipe or tradition

  • Back to school pictures (new or old!)

  • The biggest change that happened in your life

  • What you would say to kids starting high school today to prepare them for the future.

  • The story of the time you managed to sneak a pair of tortoises wearing scarves into the drama production of Hamlet in grade 11, and it made the news.

  • Who your favourite teacher was and why.

  • A picture of the beautiful fall foliage.

  • Suggestions or reviews of fall activites in and around Manitoba.


Choral Evensong


Bible Study - Hermeneutics