Children’s Chapel will resume on September 8

Starting on our Homecoming Sunday we will resume Children’s Chapel during the 11 am service.

We require that all children participating be registered, and a new registration form needs to be filled out for returning children. Registration forms and an information pamphlet are available at the back of the nave or from any of our leaders. Completed forms can be given to a leader, a sidesperson, or left in the office door mailbox. For more information contact the office at 204-786-4765 or

All parents will be expected to volunteer on a rotating basis as the second adult during Children’s Chapel. No experience or preparation required! Watch for a sign up sheet at the back of the nave.

We are also looking for new teachers for Children’s Chapel. Some experience or a willingness to learn is required, as well as a criminal record check (paid for by the church). We teach from a curriculum, which makes planning a snap. Contact Joy in the office if you’re interested or want more information.

Sunday, September 8: Blessing of the backpacks and lesson plans: As school begins again students of all ages, teachers, and anyone beginning a new endeavor are invited to bring their backpack, books, or lesson plan to be blessed during the 11 am service on September 8.


Choral Evensong


Archbishop of York