Black History Month begins this week. Here is a round-up of events from our Diocese and city to celebrate and reflect through this important month, and beyond!

All Saints Worship Service in Recognition of Black History Month

Sunday, February 12, 2023 - 11 am

We will be singing the Pans Mass written by Dietrich Bartel for steel pans (played on piano), with hymns of African-American and African origin. If you are interested in contributing to this service, please contact Father Rob.

Black Anglicans of Canada

Friday Night Gathering

BIPOC Safe Space Bible Study: Friday, January 27th, 2023, 6:00-7:30 p.m. CST. We'll be discussing Luke 3:1-20. Join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 886 8710 1956; Passcode: 736992

The Reverend Wilson Akinwale is an ordained Anglican priest in the Diocese of Rupert's Land. He as well serves as the Chair of Black Anglicans of Canada Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Committee in the Diocese of Rupert's Land. He is also the Rector/Pr

Black History Manitoba Events

Black History Month Official Opening Ceremony - January 29 6PM - 1425 Manitoba Ave

Download pdfs of all the planned events here:

List of Events

Calendar of Events


News from the PWRDF


A note about livestream links