Annual Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Parishioners of the Parish of All Saints will be held in All Saints Church on the twelfth day of March 2023, at one o’clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all members signing the Declaration of Church Membership and who are of the full age of 16 years are entitled to attend, participate, and vote.

All who worship at All Saints are invited to attend our 2023 AGM on March 12th. A lunch will follow the 11 am service, after which the meeting will convene. Childcare will be provided for children under 12. Please contact the office if you will need childcare.

In anticipation of the AGM, parishioners on the church mailing list will have received an information package and survey, by mail or email, this week (February 9). Please fill out the survey prior to the meeting if possible. If you did not receive the survey but would like to participate at the AGM, please contact the office.

A reminder to those submitting reports, the deadline is February 19.

The File of Reports will be available to all parishioners by email on March 1, and in person at services on March 5 and 12.


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