1JustCity Call for Volunteers

1JustCity is the umbrella organization that includes West Broadway Community Ministry, an organization that All Saints helped to found. Learn more on their website or read a letter from 1JustCity

Poster text:

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to fulfill our needs at Oak Table Community Ministry, West Broadway Community Ministry, and St. Matthews-Maryland Community Ministry.

Duties include:

  • Preparing and serving meals,

  • Assist with art classes,

  • Assist with bingo nights,

  • Driving donations & picking up Harvest Manitoba items,

  • Serving as a mentor,

  • Cleaning,

  • Assist with cooking classes,

  • Playing games with guests,

  • And more!

More information : 204.995.2944 director@1justcity.ca


Memorial Services for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II


Blessing of the Animals