The Season of Lent

Ash Wednesday, February 14:

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. We will have two services with the imposition of ashes, our regular Wednesday service at 12:10, and a service at 7 pm, which will be shared with st benedict’s table.

The imposition of ashes is an ancient way to begin the season of Lent. During this solemn, reflective service, we receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads (with ashes from the burning of palm crosses from last year) and remember that we are dust, and to dust we shall return.

The First Sunday of Lent, February 18:

Our 11 am worship will be a service of Morning Prayer, using the language of the Book of Common Prayer. It will also include the Great Litany, a series of sung penitential prayers.

Bible Study:

Starting Wednesday, February 21 at 7:30 pm (on Zoom) and continuing every two weeks. Contact Sandi Mielitz, Fr. Rob, or the office if you’d like to participate, or to get more information.

About the Season of Lent:

Lent is a season of spiritual preparation and reflection. It lasts for 40 days, mirroring the time Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. During Lent, we engage in practices such as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to deepen our relationship with God and prepare our hearts for Easter, the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Lent emphasizes repentance, self-examination, and renewal, serving as a meaningful period of spiritual growth and transformation.

You may notice some changes in our worship during Lent. We omit the Gloria at the beginning of worship, replacing it with a Kyrie, and the word “Alleluia” is removed from our liturgy. The Pascal candle is removed from the Nave, and the church is adorned with purple, the color of humility, penance, and wisdom that comes from inward discernment.


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