Bible Study - Hermeneutics

With Fr. Rob

To kick off our Fall season of adult formation, we will gather after worship on Sunday, September 17th to start our Bible Study at All Saints by exploring the topic of hermeneutics. The word ‘hermeneutics’ come from the Ancient Greek language that means to utter, to explain, to translate. This is the first of several building blocks that form a foundation upon which we learn and grow in our understanding of holy scripture. Before we dive into scripture, we must first understand the different ways in which we can utter, explain, and translate the stories of the Bible. Through a discussion on the chapter “Hermeneutics and Theology” in his book Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction by Jens Zimmerman, we will explore and examine how our experiences and spiritual formation influence how we read and understand scripture. You can find the reading here or you can pick one up in the back of the nave. All are welcome.


Deadline for Fall Edition of Saints Alive


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